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The Economics of War

Econ of War.jpg

My 2006 book, The Economics of War (McGraw Hill-Irwin) is available via Amazon.


This is a textbook, written to supplement introductory microeconomic and macroeconomic courses and is based on a course I developed while a Lecturer of Economics at The Ohio State University.


The book is modular in format.  It has three parts and the chapters can be used depending on the needs of the course.  Part I is appropriate for macroeconomics course, as it focuses on the macro-level effects of war and war financing.  Part II is appropriate for microeconomic courses, as it focuses on labor markets and defense firms (though one chapter is on defense budgeting, which could work in a macroeconomics course.  Part III covers a range of special topics, such as nuclear proliferation and terrorism.  These can be used in a host of courses.

Of Note!

- The book was translated into French (2008), Japanese (2008), and Chinese (2009). Images of the respective covers are above.


- The book allowed me to be interviewed in The New York Times on a story about the economic costs of withdrawing from Iraq.


- The book served as the basis for my contribution to the Understanding War and Peace (edited by Dan Reiter) textbook.


- The only time I've been to Las Vegas was to discuss the book at a conference sponsored by McGraw Hill :)

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